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FOCUS by Misty Oaks Paxton

We are a society that does not practice focus, instead we practice distraction.  From the time we open our eyes in the morning to the time we close them at night, we are inundated with countless events, all requiring, at the very least, a moment of our attention.  This book reminds you of how transforming the power of focus can be in your life and drives home one very important point:  you can multi-task, but you cannot multi-focus.


Your focus has the power to change everything around you.  The question then becomes, what do you focus on?  Contained within the pages of this book are 20 specific areas where you can direct the magnifying glass of your life. They will help shine the light, guide the way, and move you forward in the direction of your wildest dreams!


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FOCUS by Misty Oaks Paxton

SKU: 364215376135191
  • This book will help you understand how:

    -Focusing on your Childhood will help you break certain patterns in adulthood

    -Focusing your Time & Attention will help you stop majoring in the minors 

    -Focusing on What You Want will help you eliminate the habit of self-sabotage

    -Focusing on The Work will help you better understand your life’s purpose & how to live it without fear


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